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Contents of Origins 9(1)

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1. Tkachuck, RD. 1982.

Origins-GRI 9(1):5-6. CELD ID 2002.

2. Burdick, CL; Rusch, WH. 1982.

Re: Chadwick: Precambrian Pollen in the Grand Canyon A Reexamination (8:7-12)
Origins-GRI 9(1):7-9. CELD ID 2003.

3. Schoepflin, GL. 1982.

Perceptions of the Nature of Science and Christian Strategies for a Science of Nature
Origins-GRI 9(1):10-27. CELD ID 2004.

4. Ritland, R. 1982.

Historical Development of the Current Understanding of the Geologic Column: Part II
Origins-GRI 9(1):28-50. CELD ID 2005.

5. Roth, AA. 1982.

Skepticism and Truth
Origins-GRI 9(1):51-53. CELD ID 2006.

6. Tkachuck, RD. 1982.

Climatic Changes and Changes in Populations
Origins-GRI 9(1):54-55. CELD ID 2007.

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