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Contents of Origins 7(1)

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1. Tkachuck, RD. 1980.

Beyond Design
Origins-GRI 7(1):4-5. CELD ID 1974.

2. Brand, LR. 1980.

Re: Smith: Questions on the Methodology of Geology (6:85-87)
Origins-GRI 7(1):6-8. CELD ID 1975.

3. Barnes, RO; Brown, RH. 1980.

Re: Brown: The Interpretation of C-14 Dates (6:30-44)
Origins-GRI 7(1):8-11. CELD ID 1976.

4. Javor, GT. 1980.

Some Recent Data from Venus and Jupiter: Implications for Cosmogony
Origins-GRI 7(1):12-22. CELD ID 1977.

5. Hasel, GF. 1980.

Genesis 5 and 11: Chronogenealogies in the Biblical History of Beginnings
Origins-GRI 7(1):23-37. CELD ID 1978.

6. Ching, K. 1980.

Georgia House Bill 690
Origins-GRI 7(1):38-39. CELD ID 1979.

7. Tkachuck, RD. 1980.

A Methodological Manual
Origins-GRI 7(1):40-41. CELD ID 1980.

8. Bergman, J. 1980.

Public Opinions Regarding Creation and Evolution
Origins-GRI 7(1):42-44. CELD ID 1981.

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