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Contents of Origins 61

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1. Gibson, J. 2007.

The enigmatic geologic column
Origins-GRI 61:3-6. CELD ID 19246.

2. Brand, L. 2007.

Wholistic geology: geology before, during, and after the biblical Flood
Origins-GRI 61:7-34. CELD ID 19247.

3. Standish, TG. 2007.

Book review: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design
Origins-GRI 61:42-44. CELD ID 19248.

4. Miller, N. 2007.

Book review: Darwin's Nemesis: Phillip Johnson and the Intelligent Design Movement
Origins-GRI 61:44-47. CELD ID 19249.

5. Goodwin, HT. 2007.

Book review: Compositional Evolution: The Impact of Sex, Symbiosis, and Modularity on the Gradualist Framework of Evolution
Origins-GRI 61:47-50. CELD ID 19250.

6. Standish, TG. 2007.

Book review: A Meaningful World: How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature
Origins-GRI 61:50-52. CELD ID 19251.

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