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Contents of Origins 6(2)

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1. Roth, AA. 1979.

Beyond Science
Origins-GRI 6(2):57-58. CELD ID 1967.

2. Shea, WH. 1979.

Re: Anderson: Reactions (6:7)
Origins-GRI 6(2):59. CELD ID 1968.

3. Bergman, J. 1979.

The Attitude of University Students Toward the Teaching of Creation and Evolution in the Schools
Origins-GRI 6(2):60-70. CELD ID 1969.

4. Coffin, HG. 1979.

The Organic Levels of the Yellowstone Petrified Forests
Origins-GRI 6(2):71-82. CELD ID 1970.

5. Ching, K. 1979.

Publicity for Creation
Origins-GRI 6(2):83-84. CELD ID 1971.

6. Smith, AE. 1979.

Questions on the Methodology of Geology
Origins-GRI 6(2):85-87. CELD ID 1972.

7. Roth, AA. 1979.

Coral Reef Growth
Origins-GRI 6(2):88-95. CELD ID 1973.

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