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Contents of Origins 57

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1. Standish, TG. 2005.

Conflating answers: to and from design questions
Origins-GRI 57:3-6. CELD ID 17744.

2. Javor, G. 2005.

Re: Gibson: Chicken soup, self-organization and the origin of life: a test (ORIGINS 53:3-5)
Origins-GRI 57:7. CELD ID 17745.

3. Brown, RH. 2005.

Re: Hasel: Recent developments in near eastern chronology and radiocarbon dating (ORIGINS 56:6-31)
Origins-GRI 57:8. CELD ID 17746.

4. Wood, TC. 2005.

Visualizing baraminic distances using classical multidimensional scaling
Origins-GRI 57:9-29. CELD ID 17747.

5. Zuill, H. 2005.

Book review: Darwinism, Design, and Public Education
Origins-GRI 57:44-46. CELD ID 17748.

6. Vyhmeister, W. 2005.

Book review: The Case for a Creator
Origins-GRI 57:47-49. CELD ID 17749.

7. Bauer, S. 2005.

Book review: Agents Under Fire: Materialism and the Rationality of Science
Origins-GRI 57:50-52. CELD ID 17750.

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