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Contents of Origins 56

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1. Gibson, LJ. 2004.

Chicken soup, self-organization and the origin of life: a test
Origins-GRI 56:3-5. CELD ID 17739.

2. Hasel, MG. 2004.

Recent developments in near eastern chronology and radiocarbon dating
Origins-GRI 56:6-31. CELD ID 17740.

3. Zuill, H. 2004.

Book review: By Design or By Chance? The Growing Controversy on the Origins of Life in the Universe
Origins-GRI 56:54-56. CELD ID 17741.

4. Giem, P. 2004.

Book review: Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity
Origins-GRI 56:57-59. CELD ID 17742.

5. Standish, T. 2004.

Detecting design in nature
Origins-GRI 56:60-72. CELD ID 17743.

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