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Contents of Origins 55

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1. Giem, PA. 2004.

Does religion always lose?
Origins-GRI 55:3-8. CELD ID 17734.

2. Long, WM. 2004.

Re: Lugenbeal: ancestral dissonance (ORIGINS 3:52-55)
Origins-GRI 55:9-11. CELD ID 17735.

3. Doukhan, JB. 2004.

The Genesis creation story: text, issues, and truth
Origins-GRI 55:12-33. CELD ID 17736.

4. Giem, PA. 2004.

Book review: Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution
Origins-GRI 55:47-56. CELD ID 17737.

5. Gibson, LJ. 2004.

Book review: Darwin's God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil
Origins-GRI 55:57-60. CELD ID 17738.

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