1. Gibson, LJ. 2002. A mechanism for rapid change?Origins-GRI 54:3-4. CELD ID 16115.
A mechanism for rapid change?
2. Wood, TC. 2002. The AGE-ing process: rapid post-Flood intrabaraminic diversification caused by Altruistic Genetic Elements (AGEs)Origins-GRI 54:5-34. CELD ID 16116.
The AGE-ing process: rapid post-Flood intrabaraminic diversification caused by Altruistic Genetic Elements (AGEs)
3. Giem, P. 2002. Book review: Creation Reconsidered: Scientific, Biblical, and Theological Perspectives.Origins-GRI 54:46-50. CELD ID 16117.
Book review: Creation Reconsidered: Scientific, Biblical, and Theological Perspectives.
4. Gibson, LJ. 2002. Book review: Science and Its LimitsOrigins-GRI 54:51-52. CELD ID 16118.
Book review: Science and Its Limits