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Contents of Origins 52

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1. Gibson, LJ. 2001.

Polyphyly and the Cambrian explosion
Origins-GRI 52:3-6. CELD ID 9856.

2. Wood, TC; Cavanaugh, DP. 2001.

A baraminological analysis of subtribe Flaveriinae (Asteraceae: Helenieae) and the origin of biological complexity
Origins-GRI 52:7-27. CELD ID 9857.

3. Brown, RH. 2001.

Time dependency of radioisotope decay (Literature Review: Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth)
Origins-GRI 52:48-52. CELD ID 9858.

4. Gibson, LJ. 2001.

Local catastrophes, or a worldwide deluge?
Origins-GRI 52:53-56. CELD ID 9859.

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