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Contents of Origins 4(2)

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1. Roth, AA. 1977.

Implications of the Spread of Darwinism
Origins-GRI 4(2):61-63. CELD ID 1903.

2. Fraser, IM. 1977.

Re: Kootsey: Can the Christian afford scientific research? (3:97-100)
Origins-GRI 4(2):64. CELD ID 1904.

3. Brand, LR. 1977.

Re: Stidd: Reactions (4:12-15)
Origins-GRI 4(2):64-67. CELD ID 1905.

4. Brown, RH. 1977.

Radiometric Age and the Traditional Hebrew-Christian View of Time
Origins-GRI 4(2):68-75. CELD ID 1906.

5. Johns, WH. 1977.

The Impact of Tektites upon an Estimated 700,000 Year History of Deep-Sea Deposits
Origins-GRI 4(2):76-92. CELD ID 1907.

6. Ching, K. 1977.

Appeal for Equality
Origins-GRI 4(2):93. CELD ID 1908.

7. Roth, AA. 1977.

A New Journal on Catastrophism
Origins-GRI 4(2):94-95. CELD ID 1909.

8. Fraser, IM. 1977.

Tracing the Tales
Origins-GRI 4(2):96-98. CELD ID 1910.

9. Zuccarelli, AJ. 1977.

Is a Yak a Buffalo?
Origins-GRI 4(2):99-101. CELD ID 1911.

10. Brand, LR. 1977.

Do Rabbits Chew the Cud?
Origins-GRI 4(2):102-104. CELD ID 1912.

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