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Contents of Origins 3(1)

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1. Brown, RH. 1976.

The Potency of Prevailing Concepts
Origins-GRI 3(1):3-5. CELD ID 1875.

2. Wysong, RL. 1976.

Re: Wheeler: The cruelty of nature (ORIGINS 2:32-41)
Origins-GRI 3(1):6. CELD ID 1876.

3. Snow, GE; Javor, GT. 1976.

Re: Snow and Javor: Oxygen and evolution (ORIGINS 2:59-63)
Origins-GRI 3(1):6-7. CELD ID 1877.

4. Burdick, CL. 1976.

Re: Neufeld: Dinosaur tracks and giant men (ORIGINS 2:64-76)
Origins-GRI 3(1):7-8. CELD ID 1878.

5. Evard, R; Schrodetzki, D. 1976.

Chemical Evolution
Origins-GRI 3(1):9-37. CELD ID 1879.

6. Clark, JD. 1976.

Some Philosophical Implications of the Theory of Evolution
Origins-GRI 3(1):38-45. CELD ID 1880.

7. Ford, JR. 1976.

An Update on the Teaching of Creation in California
Origins-GRI 3(1):46-47. CELD ID 1881.

8. Baldwin, DD. 1976.

Study in the John Day Country
Origins-GRI 3(1):48-51. CELD ID 1882.

9. Lugenbeal, EN. 1976.

Ancestral Dissonance
Origins-GRI 3(1):52-55. CELD ID 1883.

10. Clausen, CD. 1976.

Neopilina: A Living Fossil
Origins-GRI 3(1):56-59. CELD ID 1884.

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