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Contents of Origins 25(2)

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1. Gibson, LJ. 1998.

Intelligent Design, Natural Selection, and God
Origins-GRI 25(2):51-54. CELD ID 2841.

2. Brown, RH. 1998.

Unique Enigmatic Helium
Origins-GRI 25(2):55-73. CELD ID 2842.

3. Webster, CL. 1998.

A Balanced View of Science and Faith
Origins-GRI 25(2):99-101. CELD ID 2843.

4. Gibson, LJ. 1998.

Intelligent Design Comes of Age
Origins-GRI 25(2):101-104. CELD ID 2844.

5. Brown, RH. 1998.

Are Radioisotope Dating Methods Reliable?
Origins-GRI 25(2):104-108. CELD ID 2845.

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