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Contents of Origins 24(2)

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1. Gibson, LJ. 1997.

Genesis and Genomics
Origins-GRI 24(2):47-49. CELD ID 2835.

2. Giem, P. 1997.

Carbon-14 Dating Models and Experimental Implications
Origins-GRI 24(2):50-64. CELD ID 2836.

3. Brown, RH. 1997.

The Nature of Evidence for the Activity of Supernatural Intelligence, as Illustrated by Polonium Radiohalos
Origins-GRI 24(2):65-80. CELD ID 2837.

4. Gibson, LJ. 1997.

Can We Find a Message in the Pattern of Life?
Origins-GRI 24(2):100-102. CELD ID 2838.

5. Brown, RH. 1997.

A Natural Union
Origins-GRI 24(2):102-104. CELD ID 2839.

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