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Contents of Origins 23(2)

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1. Roth, AA. 1996.

Do We Need to Turn off Our Brains When We Enter a Church?
Origins-GRI 23(2):63-65. CELD ID 2829.

2. Roth, AA. 1996.

"Laying Down the Pen"
Origins-GRI 23(2):66-67. CELD ID 2830.

3. Gibson, J. 1996.

Fossil Patterns: A Classification and Evaluation
Origins-GRI 23(2):68-99. CELD ID 2831.

4. Brand, LR. 1996.

Toward the Original Created Kinds
Origins-GRI 23(2):106-109. CELD ID 2832.

5. Roth, AA. 1996.

False Fossils
Origins-GRI 23(2):110-124. CELD ID 2833.

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