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Contents of Origins 20(1)

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1. Brown, RH. 1993.

Dusty evidence
Origins-GRI 20(1):43-44. CELD ID 2738.

2. Gibson, LJ. 1993.

Did life begin in an "RNA world"?
Origins-GRI 20(1):45-52. CELD ID 2756.

3. Roth, AA. 1993.

Publish anything - or perish!
Origins-GRI 20(1):3-5. CELD ID 2783.

4. Smith, N; Smith, J. 1993.

An alternative explanation of oceanic magnetic anomaly patterns
Origins-GRI 20(1):6-21. CELD ID 2786.

5. Gibson, LJ. 1993.

Mysterious Solutions
Origins-GRI 20(1):41-42. CELD ID 2801.

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