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Contents of Origins 2(2)

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1. Roth, AA. 1975.

The Pervasiveness of the Paradigm
Origins-GRI 2(2):55-57. CELD ID 1866.

2. Snow, GE; Javor, GT. 1975.

Oxygen and Evolution
Origins-GRI 2(2):59-63. CELD ID 1867.

3. Neufeld, B. 1975.

Dinosaur Tracks and Giant Men
Origins-GRI 2(2):64-76. CELD ID 1868.

4. Hasel, GF. 1975.

The Biblical View of the Extent of the Flood
Origins-GRI 2(2):77-95. CELD ID 1869.

5. Ching, K. 1975.

The Textbook Controversy in Tennessee
Origins-GRI 2(2):96-97. CELD ID 1870.

6. Brand, L. 1975.

Textbook Hearing in California
Origins-GRI 2(2):98-99. CELD ID 1871.

7. Roth, AA. 1975.

Old Traditions on Trial
Origins-GRI 2(2):100-103. CELD ID 1872.

8. Ching, K. 1975.

Ark Fever
Origins-GRI 2(2):104-105. CELD ID 1873.

9. Roth, AA. 1975.

Origins-GRI 2(2):106-107. CELD ID 1874.

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