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Contents of Origins 18(2)

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1. Aagaard, EMJ. 1991.

Darwinian morality?
Origins-GRI 18(2):86-88. CELD ID 2720.

2. Baldwin, JT. 1991.

Progressive creation and biblical revelation: some theological implications
Origins-GRI 18(2):53-65. CELD ID 2723.

3. Brown, RH. 1991.

Fresh bread; old fossils
Origins-GRI 18(2):89-92. CELD ID 2736.

4. Brown, RH; Webster, CL. 1991.

Interpretation of radiocarbon and amino acid age data
Origins-GRI 18(2):66-78. CELD ID 2741.

5. Roth, AA. 1991.

Creation holding its own
Origins-GRI 18(2):51-52. CELD ID 2778.

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