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Contents of Origins 18(1)

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1. Aardsma, GE; Brown, RH. 1991.

Re: Brown: Correlation of C-14 age with the biblical time scale (Origins 17:56-65)
Origins-GRI 18(1):6-9. CELD ID 2721.

2. Clausen, BL. 1991.

Quantum mechanics: the strange world at small dimensions
Origins-GRI 18(1):39-47. CELD ID 2748.

3. Shea, WH. 1991.

The antediluvians
Origins-GRI 18(1):10-26. CELD ID 2785.

4. Webster, CL. 1991.

When assumptions cease to be assumptions
Origins-GRI 18(1):3-5. CELD ID 2791.

5. Brown, RH. 1991.

Must Creation-Science Be Either Unbiblical or Unscientific?
Origins-GRI 18(1):34-38. CELD ID 2797.

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