1. Taylor, RE; Brown, RH. 1989. Re: Taylor: Reactions (Origins 16:8-9)Origins-GRI 16(1):8-10. CELD ID 2731.
Re: Taylor: Reactions (Origins 16:8-9)
2. Brown, RH. 1989. More than a revisionOrigins-GRI 16(1):32-34. CELD ID 2732.
More than a revision
3. Gibson, LJ. 1989. Debunking DarwinOrigins-GRI 16(1):34-39. CELD ID 2752.
Debunking Darwin
4. Roth, AA. 1989. The dishonor of duelingOrigins-GRI 16(1):3-7. CELD ID 2775.
The dishonor of dueling
5. Wise, K. 1989. Punc eq creation styleOrigins-GRI 16(1):11-24. CELD ID 2792.
Punc eq creation style
6. Javor, GT. 1989. A New Attempt to Understand the Origin of Life: The Theory of Surface-MetabolismOrigins-GRI 16(1):40-44. CELD ID 2795.
A New Attempt to Understand the Origin of Life: The Theory of Surface-Metabolism