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Contents of Origins 14(2)

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1. Brown, RH. 1987.

Working on the flood
Origins-GRI 14(2):82-83. CELD ID 2728.

2. Gibson, LJ. 1987.

Do DNA distances reveal avian phylogeny?
Origins-GRI 14(2):47-76. CELD ID 2751.

3. Hodges, LT. 1987.

Fossil binding in modern and ancient reefs
Origins-GRI 14(2):84-91. CELD ID 2759.

4. Roth, AA. 1987.

Cliches [Today]
Origins-GRI 14(2):45-46. CELD ID 2770.

5. Roth, AA. 1987.

The longer look
Origins-GRI 14(2):77-78. CELD ID 2771.

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