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Contents of Origins 13(1)

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1. Brown, RH. 1986.

The great twentieth-century myth
Origins-GRI 13(1):38-43. CELD ID 2727.

2. Ching, K. 1986.

Louisiana creationists appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court
Origins-GRI 13(1):36-37. CELD ID 2744.

3. Clausen, VE. 1986.

Recent debate over Archaeopteryx
Origins-GRI 13(1):48-55. CELD ID 2749.

4. Gibson, LJ. 1986.

A creationist view of chromosome banding and evolution
Origins-GRI 13(1):9-35. CELD ID 2750.

5. Mickel, AA. 1986.

Re: The Louisiana balanced-treatment act (Origins 12:30-40)
Origins-GRI 13(1):8. CELD ID 2764.

6. Roth, AA. 1986.

Historical science
Origins-GRI 13(1):5-6. CELD ID 2767.

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