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Contents of Origins 12(2)

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1. Roth, AA. 1985.

The Mexico Earthquake - Some Afterthoughts
Origins-GRI 12(2):61-63. CELD ID 2457.

2. Evans, KJ; Clark, HW. 1985.

Re: Roth: The Disregard for Discards (12:5-6)
Origins-GRI 12(2):64-65. CELD ID 2458.

3. Cairus, AE; Erbes, JE; Ray, PJ. 1985.

Re: Ray: An Evaluation of the Numerical Variants of the Chronogenealogies of Genesis 5 and 11 (12:26-37)
Origins-GRI 12(2):66-70. CELD ID 2459.

4. Brand, LR. 1985.

Can Science and Religion Work Together?
Origins-GRI 12(2):71-88. CELD ID 2460.

5. Ching, K. 1985.

California Science Textbooks
Origins-GRI 12(2):89. CELD ID 2461.

6. Gibson, J. 1985.

Evolution Defended
Origins-GRI 12(2):90-93. CELD ID 2462.

7. McCluskey, ES. 1985.

Which Vertebrates Make Vitamin C?
Origins-GRI 12(2):96-100. CELD ID 2463.

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