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Contents of Origins 10(2)

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1. Roth, AA. 1983.

Where Has the Science Gone?
Origins-GRI 10(2):48-49. CELD ID 2023.

2. Brown, RH. 1983.

Re: Hayward and Casebolt: Genesis 5 and 11 Statistical Study (9:75-81); and subsequent discussion by Nicholaides, Hayward, and Casebolt (10:5-8)
Origins-GRI 10(2):50. CELD ID 2024.

3. Tkachuck, RD. 1983.

The Little Ice Age
Origins-GRI 10(2):51-65. CELD ID 2025.

4. Rouse, IE. 1983.

Paleomagnetism II
Origins-GRI 10(2):66-89. CELD ID 2026.

5. Tkachuck, RD. 1983.

Life from Space
Origins-GRI 10(2):90-92. CELD ID 2027.

6. Brown, RH. 1983.

How Solid is a Radioisotope Age of a Rock?
Origins-GRI 10(2):93-95. CELD ID 2028.

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