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Contents of Origins 7(19)

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1. Peet, JHJ. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(19):1-2. CELD ID 10906.

2. anonymous. 1995.

Layman's summaries
Origins-BCS 7(19):2. CELD ID 10907.

3. Cocoran, J. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(19):3. CELD ID 10908.

4. Peet, JH. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(19):3-4. CELD ID 10909.

5. Geering, E. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(19):4. CELD ID 10910.

6. Zweck, G. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(19):4, 29. CELD ID 10911.

7. Browne, S. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(19):29. CELD ID 10912.

8. Watson, DCC. 1995.

Book review: Creation and Time: a report on the progressive Creationists Book, by Hugh Ross by Paul Taylor and Mark van Bebber
Origins-BCS 7(19):5. CELD ID 10913.

9. Rummery, T. 1995.

Book review: Why I Believe in Creation by Monty White
Origins-BCS 7(19):5. CELD ID 10914.

10. Watson, DCC. 1995.

Book review: Prehistory: A Time to Thrown Away, Thinking about the Six Days of Creation and Fossil Men Reconsidered by Gerald Duffett
Origins-BCS 7(19):5. CELD ID 10915.

11. Peet, JHJ. 1995.

The Bible and Chronology 2: The Biblical framework
Origins-BCS 7(19):6-12. CELD ID 10916.

12. anonymous. 1995.

Fast rock formation
Origins-BCS 7(19):12. CELD ID 10917.

13. anonymous. 1995.

Dinosaur DNA
Origins-BCS 7(19):12. CELD ID 10918.

14. Senior, P. 1995.

Chaos theory: uses and abuses
Origins-BCS 7(19):13-23. CELD ID 10919.

15. More, E. 1995.

Jacob's experiments in goat genetics
Origins-BCS 7(19):24-29. CELD ID 10920.

16. Garner, P. 1995.

Oil formation and exploration
Origins-BCS 7(19):30-37. CELD ID 10921.

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