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Contents of Origins 7(18)

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1. Peet, JHJ. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(18):1. CELD ID 10922.

2. anonymous. 1995.

Who or what is Australopithecus ramidus?
Origins-BCS 7(18):2. CELD ID 10923.

3. Charman, KM. 1995.

The fascinating world of micro-organisms: design at the microscopic level
Origins-BCS 7(18):3-9. CELD ID 10924.

4. Peet, JHJ. 1995.

The Bible and chronology 1: The historical time frame
Origins-BCS 7(18):10-12. CELD ID 10925.

5. Watt, BL. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(18):12. CELD ID 10926.

6. Anderson, MB. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(18):12. CELD ID 10927.

7. Trainer, R. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(18):12. CELD ID 10928.

8. McL, I. 1995.

Origins-BCS 7(18):12. CELD ID 10929.

9. Garner, P. 1995.

Rapid formation of calcium carbonate concretions in a North Norfolk marsh
Origins-BCS 7(18):13-14. CELD ID 10930.

10. Peet, JHJ. 1995.

The early Earth's atmosphere
Origins-BCS 7(18):15-19, 24. CELD ID 10931.

11. anonymous. 1995.

Queries and comments
Origins-BCS 7(18):19-20. CELD ID 10932.

12. Wilson, G. 1995.

Reader's viewpoint: origins
Origins-BCS 7(18):21-22. CELD ID 10933.

13. anonymous. 1995.

Living pre-history: a museum dedicated to creation and its Creator
Origins-BCS 7(18):23-24. CELD ID 10934.

14. anonymous. 1995.

From whence come wars and rumours of wars?
Origins-BCS 7(18):24. CELD ID 10935.

15. Peet, JHJ. 1995.

Book review: Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe by Steven A. Austin
Origins-BCS 7(18):25. CELD ID 10936.

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