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Contents of Origins 6(15)

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1. Peet, JHJ. 1993.

Origins-BCS 6(15):1. CELD ID 10896.

2. Andrews, EH. 1993.

Christ and Creation
Origins-BCS 6(15):2-5. CELD ID 10897.

3. Garner, P. 1993.

Book review: The Genesis Debate: Persistent Questions about Creation and the Flood edited by Ronald Youngblood
Origins-BCS 6(15):5. CELD ID 10898.

4. de Groot, M. 1993.

Genesis and Cosmology: Can we find harmony? Do we need other interpretations?
Origins-BCS 6(15):6-14, 23. CELD ID 10899.

5. Garner, P. 1993.

The Starfish bed of Dorset: A post-Flood catastrophe
Origins-BCS 6(15):15-16. CELD ID 10900.

6. Garner, P. 1993.

Evolution: is it Credible?
Origins-BCS 6(15):16. CELD ID 10901.

7. Garton, M. 1993.

Rocks and Scripture: The millions of years time-scale and some Geological common sense
Origins-BCS 6(15):17-23. CELD ID 10902.

8. MacLaclan, R. 1993.

Origins-BCS 6(15):24. CELD ID 10903.

9. Rummery, T. 1993.

A response to Renton McLachlan's letter
Origins-BCS 6(15):24. CELD ID 10904.

10. Peet, JHJ. 1993.

Origins-BCS 6(15):25. CELD ID 10905.

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