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Contents of Origins 45

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1. Tyler, D. 2007.

'Truth in Science' focuses thought on teaching of origins
Origins-BCS 45:2,26. CELD ID 21125.

2. Surtees, M. 2007.

Transposons: the good, the bad and the ugly
Origins-BCS 45:4-6. CELD ID 21126.

3. Darrall, N. 2007.

Arguments for design: language and communication - part two - the 'flight' of the human tongue
Origins-BCS 45:7-11. CELD ID 21127.

4. Degens, H. 2007.

An evaluation of punctuated equilibrium as a mechanism for evolution
Origins-BCS 45:12-15. CELD ID 21128.

5. Garner, P. 2007.

Exploring the History of Life: the fifth conference of the Creation Biology Study Group (BSG)
Origins-BCS 45:16-19. CELD ID 21129.

6. Bartlett, J. 2007.

Reflections on the BSG conference from a newcomer
Origins-BCS 45:45. CELD ID 21130.

7. Birchall, A. 2007.

"Origins North-West": the vision behind this newly formed group
Origins-BCS 45:20. CELD ID 21131.

8. Jebson, DV. 2007.

Nationwide thought for the week: intelligent designer
Origins-BCS 45:21. CELD ID 21132.

9. Brophy, TR. 2007.

Book review: A Creationist Review and Preliminary Analysis of the History, Geology, Climate, and Biology of the Galapagos Islands
Origins-BCS 45:22-23. CELD ID 21133.

10. Gray, H. 2007.

Book review: Philosophy Matters
Origins-BCS 45:24-25. CELD ID 21134.

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