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Contents of Origins 31

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1. Garner, P. 2001.

Origins-BCS 31:1. CELD ID 10318.

2. anonymous. 2001.

The Noah's Ark Farm: An interview with Anthony Bush
Origins-BCS 31:2-5. CELD ID 10319.

3. anonymous. 2001.

BCS National Strategy Weekend
Origins-BCS 31:5. CELD ID 10320.

4. Garner, P. 2001.

Claws, Jaws and the Fall
Origins-BCS 31:6-8. CELD ID 10321.

5. Simons, M. 2001.

Origins-BCS 31:8. CELD ID 10322.

6. Wilson, G. 2001.

Origins-BCS 31:8. CELD ID 10323.

7. Garner, P. 2001.

Trilobites: the "beetles" of the Palaeozoic
Origins-BCS 31:9-14. CELD ID 10324.

8. anonymous. 2001.

More 'ape-man' claims
Origins-BCS 31:14. CELD ID 10325.

9. Tyler, D. 2001.

The scandalous 'Flat Earth' myth
Origins-BCS 31:15-16. CELD ID 10326.

10. Loose, L. 2001.

The ambitions, beliefs and concepts of Charles Darwin: 2
Origins-BCS 31:17-20. CELD ID 10327.

11. Tyler, D. 2001.

Book review: The Darwin Wars: How Stupid Genes Became Selfish Gods by Andrew Brown
Origins-BCS 31:21-22. CELD ID 10328.

12. Tyler, D. 2001.

Book review: The Wedge of Truth by Phillip E. Johnson
Origins-BCS 31:22-23. CELD ID 10329.

13. Williams, PJ. 2001.

Book review: The Piltdown Mystery: The Story Behind the World's Greatest Archaeological Hoax by Ronald Millar
Origins-BCS 31:23. CELD ID 10330.

14. anonymous. 2001.

Human genome project: 'proof' of Darwinism?
Origins-BCS 31:24. CELD ID 10331.

15. anonymous. 2001.

Anti-creationism comes to Westminster
Origins-BCS 31:24. CELD ID 10332.

16. anonymous. 2001.

More debunked junk
Origins-BCS 31:24. CELD ID 10333.

17. anonymous. 2001.

Modern fungi in the Ordovician
Origins-BCS 31:24. CELD ID 10334.

18. anonymous. 2001.

A fishy tale about 'Missing Link'
Origins-BCS 31:24. CELD ID 10335.

19. anonymous. 2001.

Rapid speciation in salmon
Origins-BCS 31:24. CELD ID 10336.

20. anonymous. 2001.

The Mars rock revisited
Origins-BCS 31:24-25. CELD ID 10337.

21. anonymous. 2001.

Drilling for dinosaurs
Origins-BCS 31:25. CELD ID 10338.

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