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Contents of Origins 3(8)

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1. Senior, P. 1990.

Origins-BCS 3(8):2. CELD ID 11220.

2. anonymous. 1990.

European Conference
Origins-BCS 3(8):3. CELD ID 11221.

3. anonymous. 1990.

Day Conference in Manchester October 1990
Origins-BCS 3(8):3. CELD ID 11222.

4. anonymous. 1990.

The Back to Genesis Tour 1990
Origins-BCS 3(8):3. CELD ID 11223.

5. Garton, M. 1990.

Rocks and Scripture: Where does the answer lie?
Origins-BCS 3(8):4-7. CELD ID 11224.

6. Scheven, J. 1990.

The geological record of Biblical Earth history
Origins-BCS 3(8):8-13. CELD ID 11225.

7. Senior, P. 1990.

Book review: Lessons from Mount St. Helens
Origins-BCS 3(8):14. CELD ID 11226.

8. Still, W. 1990.

Book review: The Sufficiency of Scripture by Noel Weeks
Origins-BCS 3(8):15. CELD ID 11227.

9. Watson, DCC. 1990.

Book review: The Life and Death of Charles Darwin by L.R. Croft
Origins-BCS 3(8):15. CELD ID 11228.

10. Eisaks, S. 1990.

Book review: How Life Began by L.R. Croft
Origins-BCS 3(8):16. CELD ID 11229.

11. Watson, DCC. 1990.

Book review: Word Biblical Commentary Genesis 1-15 by Gordon J. Wenham
Origins-BCS 3(8):16. CELD ID 11230.

12. Wright, V. 1990.

Book review: An Evolutionary Perspective of the Knee by F. Scott and M.D. Dye
Origins-BCS 3(8):17. CELD ID 11231.

13. Watson, DCC. 1990.

The Age of the Earth=The Age of Man
Origins-BCS 3(8):17. CELD ID 11232.

14. anonymous. 1990.

One Lump or Two?
Origins-BCS 3(8):17. CELD ID 11233.

15. Grantham-Hill, B.W.. 1990.

Can Christian parents cope with creation?
Origins-BCS 3(8):18. CELD ID 11234.

16. anonymous. 1990.

Origins-BCS 3(8):18. CELD ID 11235.

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