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Contents of Origins 28

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1. Peet, JHJ. 2000.

Origins-BCS 28:1. CELD ID 10292.

2. Lewis, P. 2000.

Nice work
Origins-BCS 28:2-3. CELD ID 10293.

3. Camp, AL. 2000.

On the alleged dinosaurian ancestry of birds
Origins-BCS 28:4-18. CELD ID 10294.

4. Garner, P. 2000.

The origin of species-creation style!
Origins-BCS 28:19-20. CELD ID 10295.

5. Rumyantsev, SN. 2000.

A new geophysics of the creation of continents and of Noah's Flood
Origins-BCS 28:21-24. CELD ID 10296.

6. Tyler, S. 2000.

The manipulated embryo
Origins-BCS 28:25-28. CELD ID 10297.

7. Peet, JHJ. 2000.

Book review: Reading the Mind of God: Interpretation in Science and Theology by Philip Duce
Origins-BCS 28:28-29. CELD ID 10298.

8. Layfield, S. 2000.

Book review: In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists choose to believe in creation! edited by John F. Ashton
Origins-BCS 28:29-30. CELD ID 10299.

9. Burrowes, WD. 2000.

Origins-BCS 28:30. CELD ID 10300.

10. Pullan, FH. 2000.

Origins-BCS 28:30. CELD ID 10301.

11. Spencer, JH. 2000.

Origins-BCS 28:30. CELD ID 10302.

12. Fowler, AW. 2000.

Review of A drama of Creation
Origins-BCS 28:30-31. CELD ID 10303.

13. Allen, JC. 2000.

Origins-BCS 28:31. CELD ID 10304.

14. Garner, P. 2000.

Response to Michael Oard
Origins-BCS 28:32-33. CELD ID 10305.

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