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Contents of Origins 27

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1. Peet, JHJ. 2000.

Origins-BCS 27:1. CELD ID 10527.

2. Peet, JHJ. 2000.

A Designer-made world?
Origins-BCS 27:2-5. CELD ID 10528.

3. Darrall, N. 2000.

Biology textbooks and the evidence
Origins-BCS 27:6-11. CELD ID 10529.

4. Mohr, E. 2000.

The limits of variation
Origins-BCS 27:12-15. CELD ID 10530.

5. Tyler, DJ. 2000.

Ape-men and the quest for human origins
Origins-BCS 27:16-20. CELD ID 10531.

6. Garner, P. 2000.

The origin of the cosmos
Origins-BCS 27:21-24. CELD ID 10532.

7. Garner, P. 2000.

Catastrophism and earth history
Origins-BCS 27:25-28. CELD ID 10533.

8. Peet, JHJ. 2000.

What is man?
Origins-BCS 27:28. CELD ID 10534.

9. anonymous. 2000.

Does it matter?
Origins-BCS 27:28. CELD ID 10535.

10. Tyler, DJ. 2000.

Patterns in the rock record: Flood geology and the geological column
Origins-BCS 27:29-31. CELD ID 10536.

11. Snelling, AA. 2000.

Dating methods
Origins-BCS 27:32-36. CELD ID 10537.

12. Matthews, M. 2000.

The Creation manifesto
Origins-BCS 27:37-42. CELD ID 10538.

13. Peet, JHJ. 2000.

The origin of life itself
Origins-BCS 27:42. CELD ID 10539.

14. McIntosh, AC. 2000.

The relevance of the Biblical doctrine of Creation
Origins-BCS 27:43-46. CELD ID 10540.

15. Tyler, S. 2000.

Book review: Fertility and Faith: the ethics of human fertilisation by Brendan McCarthy
Origins-BCS 27:47-48. CELD ID 10541.

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