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Contents of Origins 25

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1. Peet, JHJ. 1998.

Editorial: A tribute to Professor Verna Wright
Origins-BCS 25:1. CELD ID 10487.

2. anonymous. 1998.

The mitochodrial clock
Origins-BCS 25:2. CELD ID 10488.

3. anonymous. 1998.

The coelacanth again!
Origins-BCS 25:2. CELD ID 10489.

4. Matthews. M. 1998.

The relevance of the doctrine of Creation to the world of work
Origins-BCS 25:3-5. CELD ID 10490.

5. Junker, R. 1998.

An introduction to the German creationists group, Wort und Wissen
Origins-BCS 25:6-9. CELD ID 10491.

6. anonymous. 1998.

Haeckel's embryos
Origins-BCS 25:9. CELD ID 10492.

7. Peet, JHJ. 1998.

Just who was neanderthal man?
Origins-BCS 25:10-12. CELD ID 10493.

8. Garner, P. 1998.

A creationist view of phylogenetic change in the equid family
Origins-BCS 25:13-23. CELD ID 10494.

9. Fisher, G. 1998.

Origins-BCS 25:24. CELD ID 10495.

10. Johnston, R. 1998.

Richard Johnston replies
Origins-BCS 25:24. CELD ID 10496.

11. Hardy, R. 1998.

Origins-BCS 25:24-25. CELD ID 10497.

12. Bradshaw, RI. 1998.

Origins-BCS 25:25. CELD ID 10498.

13. Wilson, G. 1998.

Origins-BCS 25:25. CELD ID 10499.

14. Pullan, FH. 1998.

Origins-BCS 25:25. CELD ID 10500.

15. Reuben, J. 1998.

Origins-BCS 25:25, 30. CELD ID 10501.

16. Peachey, FJ. 1998.

Book review: Science as Salvation-a modern myth and its meaning by Mary Midgley
Origins-BCS 25:26-27. CELD ID 10502.

17. Garner, P. 1998.

Book review: The Ice Man. A recent discovery that has shattered the theories of scientists and supported the Bible by Ian Brown
Origins-BCS 25:27-28. CELD ID 10503.

18. Garner, P. 1998.

Book review: Faith, Reason, and Earth History. A paradigm of Earth and Biological origins by Intelligent Design by Leonard Brand
Origins-BCS 25:28-29. CELD ID 10504.

19. Peachey, FJ. 1998.

Book review: Understanding the Present-Science and the Soul of Modern Man by Bryan Appleyard
Origins-BCS 25:29-30. CELD ID 10505.

20. Reeves, C. 1998.

Book review: At Home in the Universe by Stuart Kauffman
Origins-BCS 25:31-33. CELD ID 10506.

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