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Contents of Origins 2(5)

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1. Bray, G. 1988.

The Creation
Origins-BCS 2(5):3-5. CELD ID 11184.

2. anonymous. 1988.

A Creation Manifesto
Origins-BCS 2(5):6-10. CELD ID 11185.

3. Matthews, M. 1988.

The Way Forward
Origins-BCS 2(5):11. CELD ID 11186.

4. Tyler, DJ. 1988.

Book review: Biblical Creation and the Theory of Evolution by Douglas Spanner
Origins-BCS 2(5):11-12. CELD ID 11187.

5. Haycock, P. 1988.

Book review: The Delusion of Unbelief in a Scientific Age by Howard Taylor
Origins-BCS 2(5):13. CELD ID 11188.

6. Watts, D. 1988.

Book review: Windows on Science and Faith by Tim Hawthorne
Origins-BCS 2(5):13-14. CELD ID 11189.

7. White, AJM. 1988.

Editorial in Origins 2:4
Origins-BCS 2(5):14. CELD ID 11190.

8. Sampson, JR. 1988.

Article on whether Eve existed
Origins-BCS 2(5):14. CELD ID 11191.

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