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Contents of Origins 2(4)

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1. Matthews, M. 1988.

Origins-BCS 2(4):2. CELD ID 11192.

2. Thomas, G. 1988.

Implications of the doctrine of Creation
Origins-BCS 2(4):3-4. CELD ID 11193.

3. anonymous. 1988.

Creation in the news
Origins-BCS 2(4):4. CELD ID 11194.

4. Darrall, N. 1988.

Maybe Eve really did exist!
Origins-BCS 2(4):5-7. CELD ID 11195.

5. Dowling, R. 1988.

The dignity of man in creation
Origins-BCS 2(4):8-11. CELD ID 11196.

6. Loose, A. 1988.

The other big bang
Origins-BCS 2(4):12. CELD ID 11197.

7. anonymous. 1988.

News of creation
Origins-BCS 2(4):13. CELD ID 11198.

8. anonymous. 1988.

BCS at the Bible weeks
Origins-BCS 2(4):13. CELD ID 11199.

9. Whitworth, C. 1988.

BCS regional conference, Chingford
Origins-BCS 2(4):13-14. CELD ID 11200.

10. anonymous. 1988.

Creation-Evolution seminar at Bolton
Origins-BCS 2(4):14. CELD ID 11201.

11. anonymous. 1988.

BCS publications
Origins-BCS 2(4):14-15. CELD ID 11202.

12. Taylor, PF. 1988.

Book review: Two Men called Adam by Arthur C. Custance
Origins-BCS 2(4):15-16. CELD ID 11203.

13. Tyler, DJ. 1988.

Book review: The Great Evolution Mystery by Gordon Rattray Taylor
Origins-BCS 2(4):16-17. CELD ID 11204.

14. Tyler, D. 1988.

Audio-cassette review: Crossroads Creation Series
Origins-BCS 2(4):16. CELD ID 11205.

15. Baker, S. 1988.

Book review: The Young Scientist Book of Evolution by B. Cork and L. Bresler
Origins-BCS 2(4):18. CELD ID 11206.

16. Culling, S. 1988.

Origins-BCS 2(4):18. CELD ID 11207.

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