1. Matthews, MG. 1987. EditorialOrigins-BCS 1(3):2. CELD ID 11134.
2. anonymous. 1987. Creation in the NewsOrigins-BCS 1(3):2. CELD ID 11135.
Creation in the News
3. Porter, R. 1987. Where was the Garden of Eden?Origins-BCS 1(3):3-4. CELD ID 11136.
Where was the Garden of Eden?
4. anonymous. 1987. Australian OriginsOrigins-BCS 1(3):5. CELD ID 11137.
Australian Origins
5. anonymous. 1987. News of CreationOrigins-BCS 1(3):5. CELD ID 11138.
News of Creation
6. Matthews, MG. 1987. Evolution: Science or Religion?Origins-BCS 1(3):6-9. CELD ID 11139.
Evolution: Science or Religion?
7. Eisaks, S. 1987. Origins opinion pollOrigins-BCS 1(3):10. CELD ID 11140.
Origins opinion poll
8. Lyon, D. 1987. Book review: Evolution as a religion: strange hopes and stranger fears by Mary MidgleyOrigins-BCS 1(3):11. CELD ID 11141.
Book review: Evolution as a religion: strange hopes and stranger fears by Mary Midgley
9. Wright, V. 1987. Book review: Creation or Evolution - a false antithesis? Latimer Studies 23/24 by M.W. Poole with a chapter by G.J. WenhamOrigins-BCS 1(3):12. CELD ID 11142.
Book review: Creation or Evolution - a false antithesis? Latimer Studies 23/24 by M.W. Poole with a chapter by G.J. Wenham
10. Tyler, DJ. 1987. Book review: In the Minds of Men by Ian T. TaylorOrigins-BCS 1(3):12-14. CELD ID 11143.
Book review: In the Minds of Men by Ian T. Taylor
11. Jones, HR. 1987. CorrespondenceOrigins-BCS 1(3):14. CELD ID 11144.