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Contents of Origins 1(2)

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1. Matthews, MG. 1987.

Origins-BCS 1(2):2. CELD ID 11145.

2. anonymous. 1987.

Creation in the News
Origins-BCS 1(2):2. CELD ID 11146.

3. Gilpin-Brown, DM. 1987.

The catalytic effect upon the Gospel of Genesis
Origins-BCS 1(2):3-4. CELD ID 11147.

4. Peachey, F. 1987.

The Second European Creationist Congress held at the Belgian Bible Institute at Leuven from 20-23 August 1986
Origins-BCS 1(2):5, 10. CELD ID 11148.

5. Duce, P. 1987.

Question of Quanta
Origins-BCS 1(2):6-9. CELD ID 11149.

6. Reiss, M. 1987.

Origins-BCS 1(2):10-11. CELD ID 11150.

7. Brady, BA. 1987.

Origins-BCS 1(2):11. CELD ID 11151.

8. Peachey, FJ. 1987.

Origins-BCS 1(2):11. CELD ID 11152.

9. anonymous. 1987.

News of Creation
Origins-BCS 1(2):12. CELD ID 11153.

10. Tyler, DJ. 1987.

Book review: Darwin's Enigma: fossils and other problems by Luther D. Sunderland
Origins-BCS 1(2):12-13. CELD ID 11154.

11. Watts, D. 1987.

Book review: Concepts in Creationism edited by E.H. Andrews, W. Gitt, and W.J. Ouweneel
Origins-BCS 1(2):13-14. CELD ID 11155.

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