1. Cameron, NMdeS. 1987. Guest EditorialOrigins-BCS 1(1):2. CELD ID 11156.
Guest Editorial
2. Matthews, MG. 1987. EditorialOrigins-BCS 1(1):2. CELD ID 11157.
3. anonymous. 1987. Computers and CreationOrigins-BCS 1(1):3-4. CELD ID 11158.
Computers and Creation
4. anonymous. 1987. News of CreationOrigins-BCS 1(1):5. CELD ID 11159.
News of Creation
5. anonymous. 1987. Creation in the NewsOrigins-BCS 1(1):5. CELD ID 11160.
Creation in the News
6. Loose, A. 1987. Chaos in the CosmosOrigins-BCS 1(1):6-9. CELD ID 11161.
Chaos in the Cosmos
7. Watson, DCC. 1987. ReportsOrigins-BCS 1(1):10-11. CELD ID 11162.
8. Ackerman, PD. 1987. CorrespondenceOrigins-BCS 1(1):11. CELD ID 11163.
9. Brady, BA. 1987. The statistical improbability of evolutionOrigins-BCS 1(1):12-13. CELD ID 11164.
The statistical improbability of evolution
10. Jackson, A. 1987. Book review: The Blind Watchmaker by Richard DawkinsOrigins-BCS 1(1):13-14. CELD ID 11165.
Book review: The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins