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Contents of Occasional Papers of the BSG 4

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1. Wise, KP. 2004.

OPBSG 4:2-3. CELD ID 17757.

2. Wood, TC. 2004.

Discovering the Creator: Knowing God as a motivation for science
OPBSG 4:6. CELD ID 17758.

3. Fouts, D. 2004.

The anarthrous ordinals of Genesis one
OPBSG 4:6. CELD ID 17759.

4. Nelson, P. 2004.

Design reasoning and discontinuity in biology
OPBSG 4:7. CELD ID 17760.

5. Francis, JW. 2004.

The multifaceted nature of microbially-based symbiotic partnerships: Detection of patterns and implications for creation research
OPBSG 4:7. CELD ID 17761.

6. Terreros, M. 2004.

Theological implications of alternative models: Death before sin and the matter of the atonement
OPBSG 4:7-8. CELD ID 17762.

7. Wilson, G. 2004.

The origins of natural evil
OPBSG 4:8. CELD ID 17763.

8. Sanders, RW. 2004.

In search of the silver bullet - or - God's history lesson for systematics
OPBSG 4:8-9. CELD ID 17764.

9. Diehl, J. 2004.

DNA evidence in basic type biology
OPBSG 4:9. CELD ID 17765.

10. Garner, P. 2004.

Is the Equidae a holobaramin?
OPBSG 4:10. CELD ID 17766.

11. Wise, K. 2004.

Pre-Flood biogeography
OPBSG 4:10-11. CELD ID 17767.

12. Richardson, S. 2004.

Discovering the Creator - and what He teaches us about teaching
OPBSG 4:11. CELD ID 17768.

13. Chadwick, AV. 2004.

What happened to the dinosaurs?
OPBSG 4:12. CELD ID 17769.

14. Cavanaugh, D. 2004.

Physio-chemical properties of amino-acids, a new class of metrics for numerical baraminology and biosystematics
OPBSG 4:13. CELD ID 17770.

15. Cavanaugh, D. 2004.

The Cataharrine primates revisited: an ANOPA study
OPBSG 4:13. CELD ID 17771.

16. Davis, AH. 2004.

Baraminological interpretation of squirrel phylogeny
OPBSG 4:13-14. CELD ID 17772.

17. Gollmer, S. 2004.

Modeling holistic behavior of biological systems for analysis by systems theory
OPBSG 4:14. CELD ID 17773.

18. Gruenke, JA; Francis, JW; Wood, TC. 2004.

A proposal for a creationist survey of viruses
OPBSG 4:14. CELD ID 17774.

19. Mace, SR; Wise, KP; Wood, TC. 2004.

The HybriDatabase
OPBSG 4:14-15. CELD ID 17775.

20. Moeller, D. 2004.

The effect of design constraints on the plasticity of traits within a baramin: Echolocation, flight and masticatory systems in Chiroptera
OPBSG 4:15. CELD ID 17776.

21. ReMine, W. 2004.

On the limited role of fossil sequence data for identifying lineages
OPBSG 4:15-16. CELD ID 17777.

22. Ross, MR. 2004.

Mosasaurs: Baraminology, biostratigraphy, and boondoggle
OPBSG 4:16. CELD ID 17778.

23. Sternberg, R. 2004.

Systematic position of the Cetacea revisited: a fuzzy sets-based analysis of morphological discontinuity and 'transitional forms'
OPBSG 4:16. CELD ID 17779.

24. Wood, TC. 2004.

Distinct phases in the intellectual history of comparative biology
OPBSG 4:16-17. CELD ID 17780.

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