1. DeWitt, DA. 2007. WelcomeOPBSG 10:2. CELD ID 19208.
2. Wood, TC. 2007. Introduction: wrestling with evilOPBSG 10:3-4. CELD ID 19209.
Introduction: wrestling with evil
3. Baldwin, JT. 2007. Toward a pre-lapsarian and post-lapsarian biblical philosophy of natureOPBSG 10:7. CELD ID 19210.
Toward a pre-lapsarian and post-lapsarian biblical philosophy of nature
4. Martin, EN. 2007. All creation groans: a cumulative case theodicy for natural evilOPBSG 10:7-8. CELD ID 19211.
All creation groans: a cumulative case theodicy for natural evil
5. Nelson, P. 2007. Design, optimality, goodnessOPBSG 10:8. CELD ID 19212.
Design, optimality, goodness
6. Wood, TC. 2007. The origin of pathogenic bacteria by degeneration or designOPBSG 10:8-9. CELD ID 19213.
The origin of pathogenic bacteria by degeneration or design
7. Brophy, TR; Kramer, PA. 2007. Preliminary results from a baraminological analysis of the mole salamanders (Caudata: Ambystomatidae)OPBSG 10:10-11. CELD ID 19214.
Preliminary results from a baraminological analysis of the mole salamanders (Caudata: Ambystomatidae)
8. Cavanaugh, DP. 2007. A systems biology paradigm for cellular pathways and organismic populations: insights from principles of systems engineeringOPBSG 10:11-12. CELD ID 19215.
A systems biology paradigm for cellular pathways and organismic populations: insights from principles of systems engineering
9. Davis, CJ. 2007. Thorns in the metanarrative of the Bible: from the curse of Eden to the crown of thornsOPBSG 10:12. CELD ID 19216.
Thorns in the metanarrative of the Bible: from the curse of Eden to the crown of thorns
10. Demme, I. 2007. Does the curse on the serpent in Genesis 3.14-15 have direct implications for creation biology?OPBSG 10:12-13. CELD ID 19217.
Does the curse on the serpent in Genesis 3.14-15 have direct implications for creation biology?
11. Gillen, AR; Hubbard, R. 2007. Developing Serratia marcescens as a model to elucidate aspects of germ genesis exemplified by Mycobacterium lepraeOPBSG 10:13. CELD ID 19218.
Developing Serratia marcescens as a model to elucidate aspects of germ genesis exemplified by Mycobacterium leprae
12. Gollmer, S. 2007. Degradation of design and anti-patternsOPBSG 10:14. CELD ID 19219.
Degradation of design and anti-patterns
13. Kennard, D. 2007. God uses chaos to fight the rebellion of the fallOPBSG 10:14-15. CELD ID 19220.
God uses chaos to fight the rebellion of the fall
14. Kennard, D. 2007. Potential evil in the biblical account of the original good creationOPBSG 10:15-16. CELD ID 19221.
Potential evil in the biblical account of the original good creation
15. Kim, L. 2007. Reovirus: orphan virus and its implication in original creationOPBSG 10:16-17. CELD ID 19222.
Reovirus: orphan virus and its implication in original creation
16. Kim, L. 2007. Viral attenuation (reduction of pathogenicity) and its link to innate oncolytic potential: implications of a perfect original creationOPBSG 10:17-18. CELD ID 19223.
Viral attenuation (reduction of pathogenicity) and its link to innate oncolytic potential: implications of a perfect original creation
17. Lightner, JK. 2007. Were there deserts before the curse?OPBSG 10:18-19. CELD ID 19224.
Were there deserts before the curse?
18. Liu, Y. 2007. endogenous retroviruses: remnants of germline infection or created in the cell?OPBSG 10:19-20. CELD ID 19225.
endogenous retroviruses: remnants of germline infection or created in the cell?
19. McConnachie, M; Brophy, TR. 2007. A biblical word analysis for the landfowl (Aves: Galliformes)OPBSG 10:20-21. CELD ID 19226.
A biblical word analysis for the landfowl (Aves: Galliformes)
20. Sanders, RW. 2007. Taxonomic distribution of "thorns and thistles"OPBSG 10:21. CELD ID 19227.
Taxonomic distribution of "thorns and thistles"
21. Sanders, RW; Wood, TC. 2007. Creation and carnivory in the pitcher plants of Nepenthaceae and SarraceniaceaeOPBSG 10:21-22. CELD ID 19228.
Creation and carnivory in the pitcher plants of Nepenthaceae and Sarraceniaceae
22. Wilson, G. 2007. Designed for defense: reptiles and amphibians thwarting predators in a fallen worldOPBSG 10:22-23. CELD ID 19229.
Designed for defense: reptiles and amphibians thwarting predators in a fallen world
23. Wise, KP. 2007. The superiority of the young-age creation theodicyOPBSG 10:23. CELD ID 19230.
The superiority of the young-age creation theodicy
24. Wood, TC. 2007. Evidence that some toothed mysticetes are archaeocetes (Mammalia: Cetacea)OPBSG 10:23-24. CELD ID 19231.
Evidence that some toothed mysticetes are archaeocetes (Mammalia: Cetacea)
25. Wood, TC. 2007. An inside look at the BSG editorial processOPBSG 10:25-27. CELD ID 19232.
An inside look at the BSG editorial process