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Contents of Origins & Design 39

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1. Nelson, P. 2001.

From the Editor
O and D 39:4. CELD ID 11639.

2. Pittman, T. 2001.

O and D 39:5. CELD ID 11640.

3. Hearn, WR. 2001.

Science struts its stuff: A report on the AAAS Annual meeting
O and D 39:6-12. CELD ID 11641.

4. Nelson, P. 2001.

Article review: Leslie E. Orgel. 2000. "Self-organizing Biochemical Cycles." Proceedings for the National Academy of Sciences 97: 12503-07. And Eors Szarthmary. 2000. "The Evolution of Replicators." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 355: 1669-76.
O and D 39:14-15. CELD ID 11642.

5. Nelson, P. 2001.

Article review: John Maynard Smith. 1999. "The Idea of Information in Biology." Quarterly Review of Biology 74: 395-400.
O and D 39:15-16. CELD ID 11643.

6. Tyler, D. 2001.

Article review: R.A. Cohen, T.D. Swindle, and D.A. Kring. 2000. "Support for the Lunar Cataclysm Hypotheis form Lunar Meteorite Impact Melt Ages." Science 290 (1 Dec): 1754-56. And Kerr, R.A. 2000. "Beating Up on Young Earth, and Possible Life." Science 290 (1Dec): 1677.
O and D 39:16-17. CELD ID 11644.

7. von Sternberg, R. 2001.

Article review: Peter J. Waner. 2000. "Exhaustion of Morphologic Character States among Fossil Taxa." Evolution 54(2): 365-386.
O and D 39:17-20. CELD ID 11645.

8. Thaxton, CB. 2001.

In pursuit of intelligent causes: Some historical background
O and D 39:22-32. CELD ID 11646.

9. Yockey, H; Wilcox, D; Mills, G; Wiester, J; Bradley, W; Van Till, H; Ross, H; Denton, M; Nelson, P; Pun, PPT; Meyer, S; Newman, R; Wright, R; Olson, EA. 2001.

O and D 39:33-36. CELD ID 11647.

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