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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 78

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Wiseman, PJ. 1946.

Report of the council for the year 1945. To be read at the annual general meeting, May 27th, 1946
JTVI 78:vii-xi. CELD ID 8574.

2. Richardson, CA. 1946.

JTVI 78:1-10. CELD ID 8575.

3. Heward, PW. 1946.

"And the earth was without form and void." An enquiry into the exact meaning of Genesis I, 2
JTVI 78:13-20. CELD ID 8576.

4. Bruce, FF. 1946.

"And the earth was without form and void." An enquiry into the exact meaning of Genesis I, 2
JTVI 78:21-24. CELD ID 8577.

5. Best, JE. 1946.

Faith and reason
JTVI 78:38-49. CELD ID 8578.

6. Henry, CFH. 1946.

The relation between conduct and belief
JTVI 78:56-69. CELD ID 8579.

7. Hartill, I. 1946.

The faith of Newton
JTVI 78:75-84. CELD ID 8580.

8. Barclay, OR. 1946.

The meanings of the word evolution in biology and their bearing on the Christian faith
JTVI 78:91-101. CELD ID 8581.

9. White, E. 1946.

The relation of instinct and emotion to religious experience
JTVI 78:108-118. CELD ID 8582.

10. Bruce, FF. 1946.

What do we mean by Biblical inspiration?
JTVI 78:121-128. CELD ID 8583.

11. Marston, C. 1946.

Human nature. The world's fundamental problem
JTVI 78:140-146. CELD ID 8584.

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