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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 45

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Whately, AR. 1913.

JTVI 45:9-30. CELD ID 15627.

2. Knowling, RJ. 1913.

Present day factors in New Testament study
JTVI 45:31-56. CELD ID 15628.

3. Urquhart, J. 1913.

The fact of prediction
JTVI 45:57-80. CELD ID 15629.

4. Skrine, JH. 1913.

Vision, in sacred and other history
JTVI 45:81-98. CELD ID 15630.

5. Sinclair, W. 1913.

Methods of Biblical Criticism
JTVI 45:99-118. CELD ID 15631.

6. Sewell, EJ. 1913.

JTVI 45:119-138. CELD ID 15632.

7. Flournoy, PP. 1913.

The bearing of archaeological and historical research upon the New Testament
JTVI 45:139-182. CELD ID 15633.

8. Munro, JI. 1913.

The Samaritan Pentateuch and philological questions connected therewith
JTVI 45:183-209. CELD ID 15634.

9. Woodhead, GS. 1913.

The origin of life-what do we know of it?
JTVI 45:210-232. CELD ID 15635.

10. Wace, H. 1913.

The position and principles of the criticism of the Old Testament
JTVI 45:233-248. CELD ID 15636.

11. Sutton, AW. 1913.

Annual Address: From Suez to Sinai
JTVI 45:249-270. CELD ID 15637.

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