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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 43

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Baylis, F. 1911.

The relation of Science to Christian Missions
JTVI 43:99-124. CELD ID 15601.

2. Bruce, C. 1911.

Annual address-The true temper of Empire
JTVI 43:281-315. CELD ID 15602.

3. Coles, JJB. 1911.

JTVI 43:33-54. CELD ID 15603.

4. Gill, D. 1911.

The sidereal universe
JTVI 43:175-193. CELD ID 15604.

5. Girdlestone, C. 1911.

Indications of a scheme in the universe
JTVI 43:159-174. CELD ID 15605.

6. MacCulloch, C. 1911.

The descent into Hades; a study in comparative theology
JTVI 43:209-236. CELD ID 15606.

7. Pinches, TG. 1911.

The newly-discovered version of the story of the Flood
JTVI 43:135-158. CELD ID 15607.

8. Roget, FF. 1911.

On Ernest Naville
JTVI 43:195-208. CELD ID 15608.

9. Sharp, J. 1911.

The last century's witness to the Bible
JTVI 43:77-98. CELD ID 15609.

10. Smith, GH. 1911.

The Theory of Jurisprudence
JTVI 43:9-32. CELD ID 15610.

11. Smith, G. 1911.

JTVI 43:125-134. CELD ID 15611.

12. Tisdall, WSC. 1911.

Mithraism: Christianity's greatest rival under the Roman Emperors
JTVI 43:237-280. CELD ID 15612.

13. Whateley, AR. 1911.

The demand for a Christian philosophy
JTVI 43:55-76. CELD ID 15613.

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