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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 42

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Caldecott, A. 1910.

Heredity and eugenics
JTVI 42:272-296. CELD ID 15587.

2. Crommelin, ACD. 1910.

Address on the return of Halley's comet
JTVI 42:18-34. CELD ID 15588.

3. Gerard, J. 1910.

Species and their origin
JTVI 42:123-144. CELD ID 15589.

4. Gwatkin, HM. 1910.

Arianism and modern thought
JTVI 42:145-153. CELD ID 15590.

5. Hull, E. 1910.

The abnormal conditions of water: as evidence of design in nature
JTVI 42:242-250. CELD ID 15591.

6. Marston, HJR. 1910.

Plato's theory of public education in relation to the Christian doctrine of human nature
JTVI 42:251-271. CELD ID 15592.

7. Irving, A. 1910.

Light, luminaries and life: in connection with the Genesis account of creation
JTVI 42:177-221. CELD ID 15593.

8. Orchard, HL. 1910.

The attitude of science towards miracles
JTVI 42:81-122. CELD ID 15594.

9. Pinches, TG. 1910.

Assur and Nineveh
JTVI 42:154-176. CELD ID 15595.

10. Potter, B. 1910.

Determinism and Free-Will
JTVI 42:297-319. CELD ID 15596.

11. Searle, GFC. 1910.

Modern conceptions of the universe
JTVI 42:58-79. CELD ID 15597.

12. anonymous. 1910.

Biographical notice of the late Rev. George Ferris Whidborne
JTVI 42:320. CELD ID 15598.

13. White, J. 1910.

Darwinism and Malthus
JTVI 42:222-240. CELD ID 15599.

14. Whitley, D. 1910.

The Ivory islands in the Arctic Ocean
JTVI 42:35-57. CELD ID 15600.

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