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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 41

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Carus-Wilson, CA. 1909.

Ezekiel's Vision of the Divine Glory
JTVI 41:167-172. CELD ID 15574.

2. Cunningham, W. 1909.

Christianity and Socialism
JTVI 41:70-98. CELD ID 15575.

3. Galton, A. 1909.

The Present position of Catholics in France
JTVI 41:173-196. CELD ID 15576.

4. Halsbury, E. 1909.

Biographical notice of the Late Mr. Wilfred H. Hudleston, F.R.S.
JTVI 41:240. CELD ID 15577.

5. Mackinlay, G. 1909.

The date of the Nativity was 8 B.C
JTVI 41:197-220. CELD ID 15578.

6. Pinches, TG. 1909.

Discoveries in Babylonia and the neighbouring lands
JTVI 41:99-121. CELD ID 15579.

7. Ramsay, WM. 1909.

A country town of Lycaonia
JTVI 41:36-46. CELD ID 15580.

8. Schofield, AT. 1909.

Science and the unseen world
JTVI 41:47-69. CELD ID 15581.

9. Wace, H. 1909.

JTVI 41:221-239. CELD ID 15582.

10. Wiener, HM. 1909.

The Legislations of Israel and Babylonia
JTVI 41:139-166. CELD ID 15583.

11. Halsbury, E. 1909.

Annual Address
JTVI 41:9-16. CELD ID 15584.

12. Hull, E. 1909.

Geneva and Chamounix half a century ago and to-day
JTVI 41:17-35. CELD ID 15585.

13. Lias, JJ. 1909.

Modernism: its origin and tendencies
JTVI 41:122-138. CELD ID 15586.

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