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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 36

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Boord, H. 1904.

On the hot lakes district, New Zealand
JTVI 36:129-147. CELD ID 15510.

2. Elwin, A. 1904.

Ancestral worship
JTVI 36:67-84. CELD ID 15511.

3. Fleay, FG. 1904.

On the synchronous chronology of the Kings of Israel and Judah
JTVI 36:253-285. CELD ID 15512.

4. Garratt, MA. 1904.

The Samaritan Pentateuch
JTVI 36:197-213. CELD ID 15513.

5. Halsbury, E. 1904.

The President's Address
JTVI 36:11-15. CELD ID 15514.

6. Hammond, C . 1904.

The Samaritan passover of 1861
JTVI 36:213-223. CELD ID 15515.

7. Hudleston, WH. 1904.

On the origin of the marine (Halolimnic) fauna of Lake Tanganyika
JTVI 36:300-351. CELD ID 15516.

8. Hull, E. 1904.

Of the age of last uprise of the British Isles
JTVI 36:175-196. CELD ID 15517.

9. Hull, E. 1904.

Notes on the thickness of the Lucerne glacier of the Post-Pliocene period
JTVI 36:286-296. CELD ID 15518.

10. Jervis, WP. 1904.

Prehistoric remains, with drawings, near Tenda, Italy
JTVI 36:297-299. CELD ID 15519.

11. Kidd, WA. 1904.

Two paths, one goal: Being an Examination of Bishop Temple's Bampton Lectures for 1884
JTVI 36:85-128. CELD ID 15520.

12. Klein, ST. 1904.

The conception of the great reality
JTVI 36:224-252. CELD ID 15521.

13. Odling, CW. 1904.

Observations on irrigation works in India
JTVI 36:148-173. CELD ID 15522.

14. Whidborne, GF. 1904.

The Genesis of nature
JTVI 36:16-65. CELD ID 15523.

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