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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 34

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Beale, LS. 1902.

Water essential to all life
JTVI 34:216-233. CELD ID 15481.

2. Chaplin, T. 1902.

On some diseases mentioned in the Bible
JTVI 34:255-284. CELD ID 15482.

3. Hull, E. 1902.

A communication on the submerged river-valleys of the Atlantic
JTVI 34:253-255. CELD ID 15483.

4. Hull, E. 1902.

The physical history of the Norwegian Fjords
JTVI 34:125-151. CELD ID 15484.

5. Lias, JJ. 1902.

Modifications in the idea of God, produced by modern thought and scientific discovery
JTVI 34:42-82. CELD ID 15485.

6. Lobley, JL. 1902.

The preparation of the earth for man's abode
JTVI 34:83-106. CELD ID 15486.

7. Maclaren, JM. 1902.

The physical history of the fjords of New Zealand
JTVI 34:152-163. CELD ID 15487.

8. Jack, RL. 1902.

Artesian water in the state of Queensland, Australia
JTVI 34:182-196. CELD ID 15488.

9. Kidd, WA. 1902.

Adaptation and selection in nature: their bearing on design
JTVI 34:107-124. CELD ID 15489.

10. Rouse, ML. 1902.

"Procopius's African monument of Joshua's conquest of Canaan"; Narrative of a visit to the Site
JTVI 34:234-252. CELD ID 15490.

11. Schofield, AT. 1902.

On the springs of character
JTVI 34:26-41. CELD ID 15491.

12. Stefansson, J. 1902.

Iceland, its history and inhabitants
JTVI 34:164-181. CELD ID 15492.

13. Walker, FA. 1902.

Locusts and grasshoppers with special reference to Biblical species (Illustrated by specimens from the Author's collection)
JTVI 34:197-215. CELD ID 15493.

14. Wilson, CW. 1902.

Annual Address: The water supply of Jerusalem
JTVI 34:11-25. CELD ID 15494.

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