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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 33

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Ball, R. 1901.

Annual Address: The origin of new stars
JTVI 33:10-20. CELD ID 15462.

2. Beale, LS. 1901.

JTVI 33:52-73. CELD ID 15463.

3. Bullen, RA. 1901.

Eolithic implements
JTVI 33:191-225. CELD ID 15464.

4. Lobley, JL. 1901.

The sub-oceanic depression known as "La fosse de Cap Breton." and the adjacent river valleys of France and Spain
JTVI 33:419-431. CELD ID 15465.

5. Mathews, RH. 1901.

Pictorial art among the Australian Aborigines
JTVI 33:291-310. CELD ID 15466.

6. Kidd, WA. 1901.

Methods of protection among animals
JTVI 33:146-165. CELD ID 15467.

7. Pinches, TG. 1901.

A short account of the Cres International D'Histoire des religions, held at Paris from the 3rd to the 8th of September, 1900.
JTVI 33:22-51. CELD ID 15468.

8. Rutland, J. 1901.

The Maoris' place in history
JTVI 33:263-290. CELD ID 15469.

9. Schofield, AT. 1901.

The philosophy of education
JTVI 33:100-119. CELD ID 15470.

10. Shaw, GA. 1901.

The Arab immigration into south-east Madagascar
JTVI 33:334-361. CELD ID 15471.

11. Sinclair, D. 1901.

On the being of God
JTVI 33:74-99. CELD ID 15472.

12. Statham, EJ. 1901.

Ancient script in Australia
JTVI 33:254-261. CELD ID 15473.

13. Upham, W. 1901.

The divisions of the ice age
JTVI 33:393-418. CELD ID 15474.

14. Wace, H. 1901.

Ethics and religion
JTVI 33:120-145. CELD ID 15475.

15. Walker, FA. 1901.

Hornets: British and foreign
JTVI 33:362-392. CELD ID 15476.

16. Whidborne, GF. 1901.

Questions involved in evolution from a geological point of view
JTVI 33:166-190. CELD ID 15477.

17. White, GE. 1901.

A Visit to the Hittite cities Eyuk and Boghaz Keoy
JTVI 33:226-241. CELD ID 15478.

18. Wilson, CW. 1901.

Recent investigations in Moab and Edom
JTVI 33:242-252. CELD ID 15479.

19. Zwemer, SM. 1901.

Wahabis; their origin, history, tenets and influence
JTVI 33:311-333. CELD ID 15480.

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