1. Fradenburgh, JN. 1899. Notes on literature of Egypt in the time of MosesJTVI 31(123):169-194. CELD ID 15434.
Notes on literature of Egypt in the time of Moses
2. Hull, E. 1899. Another possible cause of the glacial epochJTVI 31(123):141-167. CELD ID 15438.
Another possible cause of the glacial epoch
3. Kidd, WA. 1899. Plan and purpose in natureJTVI 31(123):195-230. CELD ID 15440.
Plan and purpose in nature
4. Zwemer, SM. 1899. The Star worshippers of MesopotamiaJTVI 31(123):231-244. CELD ID 15446.
The Star worshippers of Mesopotamia