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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 31(123)

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Fradenburgh, JN. 1899.

Notes on literature of Egypt in the time of Moses
JTVI 31(123):169-194. CELD ID 15434.

2. Hull, E. 1899.

Another possible cause of the glacial epoch
JTVI 31(123):141-167. CELD ID 15438.

3. Kidd, WA. 1899.

Plan and purpose in nature
JTVI 31(123):195-230. CELD ID 15440.

4. Zwemer, SM. 1899.

The Star worshippers of Mesopotamia
JTVI 31(123):231-244. CELD ID 15446.

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