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Contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute 28(112)

Browse contents of Journal of the Transactions of the Victoria Institute

1. Hull, E. 1896.

Supposed discovery of remains of animal between man and ape
JTVI 28(112):265-266. CELD ID 15406.

2. Macloskie, G. 1896.

The mechanical conception of Nature
JTVI 28(112):219-245. CELD ID 15407.

3. Slater, JW. 1896.

The philosophy of Auguste Comte reconsidered
JTVI 28(112):247-263. CELD ID 15409.

4. Tulloch, CB. 1896.

Passage of the Red Sea by the Israelites
JTVI 28(112):267-280. CELD ID 15411.

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